BIO-luminance Hydration Masque

Sleep tight, & remove wrinkles at night!

BIO-luminance simply and effectively helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles. It boosts natural skin repair using only pure oxygen and water, leaving you with a plump, dewy, natural complexion. BIO-luminance is dye and alcohol free, hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic.



  • No more messy creams!
  • Uses your body’s natural hydration system to soften & hydrate dry, tired skin
  • Maintains ideal oxygen & moisture balance
  • Gently adheres to remain comfortably in position
  • Clean, clear, soft, pliable 100% silicone gel sheeting
  • Imparts no additional chemicals to the skin
  • Oil, dye and fragrance FREE
  • Works with ALL skin types
  • Works with ALL facial care regimens
  • Reusable up to 28 times
  • Wash & dry – reusable
  • No special product care required


1. Cleanse face
2. Apply masque segments
3. Relax, hydrate and see results in as little as 15 minutes!

Biodermis pioneered the use of silicone gel sheeting for scar treatment, and has led the industry with new innovations for over 25 years. Part of the scar healing process involves dermal hydration.

Silicone gel sheeting creates a semi-permeable layer over the skin that allows oxygen to penetrate while holding precious moisture in, creating the optimum oxygen and moisture balance for healthy skin. The illustration below details the anti-aging effects of BIO-luminance on dermal hydration levels in a side by side comparison.


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Will the silicone in BIO-luminance make me break out?
In short, no. BIO-luminance is constructed of medical-grade, silicone gel sheeting, which is completely different than liquid silicone used in makeup and cosmetics. The silicone gel sheeting used in BIO-luminance is the single most effective, topical method for hydrating and oxygenating the skin.

In recent years, makeup and hair products containing silicone have come under scrutiny. Why? Silicone (dimethicone) is a very good filler and smoothing agent when suspended in liquids. It does an amazing job of filling in facial imperfections and allowing makeup to go on smoothly. Many women love the smooth look of silicone based cosmetics, as well as their tendency to look good for longer periods of time. However, this same filling and smoothing characteristic is thought to contribute to clogged pores in a small percentage of women.

Silicone gel sheeting is not a liquid. It is a solid, and therefore cannot “flow,” and cannot clog pores. In fact, the sheeting promotes heightened levels of moisture within the pores, contributing to clearer pores. The construction of the sheeting also allows oxygen to penetrate, helping to create the ideal hydration environment for your skin.